Apple Cider Vinegar for Arthritis Relief

Apple Cider Vinegar for Arthritis
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) has so many uses that it is almost unbelievable that so many people don’t know that it is more than just a way boost the taste of a salad. Apple cider vinegar has so many useful minerals that help the body along. These minerals include potassium, magnesium and iron, which can help replenish the body of these needed minerals. When the body is deficient of these minerals it can began to breakdown causes diseases to occur.

For arthritis, apple cider vinegar can mean relief of stiff joints. Some say that apple cider vinegar helps to eliminate the buildup of uric acid that can cause arthritis pain in your knees and hips. In fact, there are tons of testimonials on the Internet that rave about the positive benefits of an arthritis apple cider vinegar relationship. Apple Cider Vinegar is made from fermented apple juice and is reported to reduce the pain and stiffness of arthritis by dissolving the acid crystals that build up in the joints.

What Is Apple Cider Vinegar?
Apple cider vinegar is a vinegar product which is brewed from apple juice which has been fermented. ACV is often used for cooking in marinades, used as a component of vinaigrettes, chutneys & salad dressings, and also as a food preservative. Apple cider vinegar is produced from the juice of mashed apples with yeast and bacteria added for an double alcoholic fermentation process which produces the vinegar product.

What Does It Do?
Apple cider vinegar has been reported to lower blood sugar, aid in weight loss, lower both total cholesterol and triglycerides, help control fungal infections, improve hair shine and smoothness when used as a rinse as well as reduce the pain and stiffness of osteoarthritis by dissolving the acid crystals that build up in the joints and help control inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis related diseases.

Does It Work?
Many people report that drinking a small amount of diluted apple cider vinegar does help with their arthritis symptoms. Advocates of ACV believe that it contains anti-inflammatory properties that can help with arthritis symptoms, including pain and swelling, in the same way that medication does. However there is no hard scientific evidence yet to the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar as an effective anti-inflammatory agent in humans so it is difficult to know for sure what medical benefits it has. As with many natural solutions you will have to try it to see if it is effective for your condition.

Apple Cider Vinegar Tea The simplest way to ingest apple cider vinegar is to make a tea. Many people drink it this way and it does help deal with the bidder taste. Two teaspoons is all that is needed. Add two teaspoons to 10-12 ounces cup of hot water and sweeten with maple syrup or agave. Those that claim the best results are those that drink their apple cider vinegar twice a day, once in the morning and once before bedtime.

Precautions: As always you should talk to your doctor before using apple cider vinegar to treat any medical condition or for when used in large quantities. Apple cider vinegar is acidic and overuse can result in weakened tooth enamel and irritation or damage to the throat. ACV applied directly to the skin can cause burns and irritation as well as burn and irritate the eyes People should stop consuming apple cider vinegar if it causes:

  • Damage to the teeth
  • Injury or irritation to the throat
  • Heartburn
  • Nausea
  • Upset stomach

Note: Not All ACV is Equal If all your budget will allow is the store bought ACV than by all means start with that. But, if you can spear a little extra, try the organic forms of apple cider vinegar. It may cost a little more but it will be well worth it for the added benefit of not having chemicals and pesticides added. These chemicals and pesticides can began to buildup in the joints and contribute to the arthritis pain in the first place. So, it is better to start with organic ACV if possible.

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